Love and after. Photos of Kaila White
Posted by Gabrielle Martin on Tuesday, November 30, 2010. Filed under: blogging, life, love, photosNo Comments »
This month I have been consistently shooting and my eyes have stared at photos in photoshop longer than they see the insides of my eyelid but it has been such a creative rush to shoot what I want to shoot and tell a story through my images. Latest shoot with Megan Mockensturn, a lovely girl with beautiful freckles and the perfect curls.
Spent the week shooting beautiful people with long limbs and sun kissed cheeks, productive and artistically happy.
The strangest things inspire me, it can be a sound or a smell- nothing and something all at the same time.
Someone asked me recently would I consider going to school for my photography or would I continue my trial and error ways, I may take a class here or there for studio setups and lighting as I have no real background in that but I am no longer tricked into believing a piece of paper legitimizes my intelligence. I went to college and finished one degree program that is pretty much useless now and began another before I found the courage to stop the cycle of needing verification. I know what I know and I know the best way to show it is not by waving a piece of paper but by simply doing it. Degrees are useful to people of the other world, I do not clock in nor do I ever clock out. My desk is riddled with purple roses and books on warhol, basquiat and sarah moon..those are my teachers and the world is my test. Doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. require a certificate..artist require a special eye and a soul and whichever tool they need to color the world as they see it.
Thursday I witnessed my first tsunami and it was horrible beyond words- of course this all took place in my mind but nonetheless I witnessed one. I am an artist and I go through bouts of am I doing it right?- am I wasting my time?- Should I build a bomb shelter and hide from the cruel, cold world and then I shoot a perfect picture and for a few hours I am happy. I don't think I have been happy all day, continuously, in years. I always look for things to improve, something I should read to get a better understanding. I'll wake up at 3am to take a quick walk, not the safest but it clears this jungle of a mind of mine.
I prayed on Thursday, I meditated and read not only bible scriptures but some buddhist quotes. I asked for a sign that this art thing is for me and its mine to claim. I woke up Friday morning with 4 agency models requesting shoots- by saturday night I had 3 bands request shoots and Sunday night I received another two agency models requesting shoots- Im actually nervous/scared but excited at the same time. I asked and I received, I do not believe God would have placed these opportunities before me if I were not ready for the challenge. February 1st I will begin to push my portfolio to agencies around the world.
Tonight I drove around with my best friend, looking for inspiration and recluse locations amid colourful leaves that tell you that is autumn and shimmering water with logs floating about. Financially spent but soul rich from hours of laughter and mindless fun. I feel as if I am on the brink of something big but I must prove to myself that I'm worthy of the job. Preparation mixed with opportunity is success. I have to be up in a few hours for a shoot with a girl with freckles and big curls, Im so excited that sleep is not coming easily.
"waste not want not"..I shall not waste my talent.
When I first began photography I would stare at images that I admired for hours, feeling inspired I would grab my camera and I was so desperate to shoot I would photograph a fence or a leaf with hopes that my image would look like a masterpiece. That was three years ago and needless to say, I am just now reaching the point of liking my images. Im learning how to make the session as close as I possibly can to the image I have fixated in my brain, learning how to think then shoot.
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